Narrative Landscape Press

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In dui magna, posuere eget, vestibulum et, tempor auctor, justo. Vestibulum eu odio. interdum lacus sit amet orci. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; In ac dui quis mi consectetuer lacinia..


Our Mission

Narrative Landscape Press Limited (NLP) believes that owning the means of production is
essential to a vibrant publishing industry. The firm believes that the “means of production”
here does not just mean the printing of physical books but also editorial and book design
expertise. We are developing a cadre of excellent writers.

Chapter 2

Our Story

Narrative Landscape Press Limited was founded in 2016 by Anwuli Ojogwu and Eghosa Imasuen. The dream of the founders was to create a firm that could distil the essence of the publishing process and provide a service to other publishing houses and self-publishing authors within the Nigerian space. The company signed service level agreements as providers of publishing services to institutions like the Olusegun Obasanjo Presidential Library.

In 2018, NLP decided to take the plunge into traditional publishing and opened its submissions desk. Our first big success was our acquisition of the books of Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. We have since ventured in other genres of traditional publishing and are now taking our first steps into educational books for school curricula.

The future looks bright for our company. And we ask you—partner, reader, friend—to take this journey with us.

Narrative Landscape Press Limited was founded in 2016 by Anwuli Ojogwu and Eghosa Imasuen. The dream of the founders was to create a firm that could distil the essence of the publishing process and provide a service to other publishing houses and self-publishing authors within the Nigerian space. The co-founders have always been fans of great literature and knew that their firm would also jump into the traditional publishing space and publish great writing itself.

NLP’s first client was Parresia Publishers. We handled production and shipping for their 2016 print run. It was a gesture of faith in our founder’s abilities that paid off handsomely for both parties.

Chapter 3

Our Ideal

We believe in the beauty of words, in truth that comes from the seamless elegance of
beautiful art, design, and clean lines. We believe that books, of all creative genres, serve
this function. What can be truer than a line of exquisite poetry? What can be more inspiring
to the imagination than the world of books?



Our core values represent who we are and why we believe in the work we do.



Our core values represent who we are and why we believe in the work we do.



Our core values represent who we are and why we believe in the work we do.



Our core values represent who we are and why we believe in the work we do.

Chapter 4

Our Journey So Far


Narrative Landscape Press Limited was founded in 2016 by Anwuli Ojogwu and Eghosa Imasuen. The dream of the founders was to create a firm that could distil the essence of the publishing process and provide a service to other publishing houses and self-publishing authors within the Nigerian space. The co-founders have always been fans of great literature and knew that their firm would also jump into the traditional publishing space and publish great writing itself.


NLP grew its client base and worked on many titles with several clients. The quality of work produced showcased our growing confidence in our production processes.


NLP decided to take the plunge into traditional publishing and opened its submissions desk. Its first big success was the acquisition of the books of Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie.


Our core values represent who we are and why we believe in the work we do.

The future looks bright for our company. And we ask you—partner, reader, friend—to take this journey with us.




Our core values represent who we are and why we believe in the work we do.



Our core values represent who we are and why we believe in the work we do.

Chapter 4

Our Team

Anwuli Ojogwu

Anwuli Ojogwu is the managing director of Narrative Landscape Press. She has 10 years’ experience as an Editor, Writer and Communication Specialist. A graduate in English & Literature from the University of Benin, Anwuli has built a career in the Nigerian book industry since its renaissance in the early noughties. She has served in different companies such as Kachifo Limited as an Editor; FATE Foundation as a Communications Manager; and Thinking Beyond Borders, San Francisco as Digital Media Manager. As an editor, she has worked with writers such as Chimamanda Adichie, Binyanvanga Wainana, and Uzo Iweala.

Dr Eghosa Imasuen

Dr Eghosa Imasuen is the Executive Director, Business Development, Narrative Landscape Press Limited. He graduated with a 1999 medical degree from the University of Benin and worked for several years as a medical doctor. He also worked in his family’s business, which had interests in Oil and Pipeline Engineering and Finance. His first novel was published by the Farafina imprint of Kachifo Limited in 2008. Eghosa worked as Chief Operations Officer at Kachifo Limited from 2013-2016.

Joy Chime

Joy Nwamaka Chime

Joy Nwamaka Chime is a graduate of Philosophy from Olabisi Onabanjo University. She is the managing editor at Wawa Book Review, an online magazine for book reviews. She currently works at Narrative Landscape Press as the assistant editor.


Eniye Osawe-Imasuen

Eniye Osawe-Imasuen is the administrative and HR manager at Narrative Landscape Press Ltd. She also heads the sales team of Narrative Landscape Press. She is a graduate of Agriculture from the University of Benin. With a flair for customer and public relations, she has more than a decade of experience working with UACN Plc and the Edo State Judiciary. She lives in Lagos with her husband and their twin sons.


Gbenga Adebayo

Adebayo Gbenga is a creative artist with a B.A. in Creative Arts from Tai Solarin University of Education, Ogun State. His professional skills include arts and crafts, editorial designs, publishing (ebooks and print), and illustrations. He has worked with book publishers, magazine firms, individual authors, and clientele in Nigeria and around the world. He is currently the graphics editor for Narrative Landscape Press in Lagos.

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